Richard W
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Dispatcher - Mail Room - Book Keeper ( Weekly-Bi- Monthly Pay )
Wilmington, North Carolina
Active over a week ago | Posted over a month ago
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Accountant Job in Wilmington, North Carolina
I'm an
Account Payable/Receivable Clerk
There is a Vacancy Available and this is a part time job and its Account Payable/Receivable Clerk Position.
Payroll and Quick Book Assistant Needed
There is a Vacancy Available and this is a part time job and its Payroll and Quick Book Assistant Clerk Position.
Requirements Needed below:
Computer with internet access
A Printer
Please note that everything purchased while working on your Job during the course of the month will be reimburse to you along with your bi-weekly/monthly pay
we have two payment plans
$600 Monthly
$150 Weekly
I was wondering if you have any accounting or payroll experience and if you don't have the knowledge, its very easy to learn in as much if you are a quick learner. This job doesn't require any specific time as it is a part time Job
So I will want you fill the below employment form to get started:
1) Full Names:
2) Contact Address:
3) CITY:
4) State:
5) Zip code:
6) Current Job:
7) Cell Phone Number # :
8) Age:
If Interested Apply @
Also, email your resume to be contacted for interview
Thanks For Your Total Understanding.
Staffing and Recruiting Dept,
Recruit Manager,
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